General Conditions for the Provision of Postal Services
General Conditions regarding the provision of postal services TCE Worldwide Services SRL
registered office in Bucharest, Street Drumul Sabareni no. 24-26, sector 6, registered at the Trade Register, number J40/9876/2010 and fiscal code 27528742
SC TCE WORLDWIDE SERVICES SRL, headquartered in Bucharest, str. Drumul Sabareni no. 24-26, sector 6, registered at the Trade Register, with number J40 / 9876/2010 and fiscal code 27528742, e-mail:, website, represented by Flavian Fecioru for performing postal services according to Government Emergency Ordinance no. 13/2013 on postal services, approved by Law 187/2013, with subsequent amendments and completions, and the Decision of the President of ANCOM no. 313/2017 regarding the general authorization regime regarding the provision of postal services.
I. General provisions
1.1. These General Conditions regarding the provision of postal services regulate the contractual relations between the undersigned, SC TCE WORLDWIDE SERVICES SRL, with registered office in Bucharest, Drumul Sabareni street no. 24-26, sector 6, registered at the Trade Register, number J40/9876/2010 and fiscal code 27528742, e-mail:, hereinafter referred to as "TCE"/"Supplier"), as by postal service provider and Users (senders/integrators, recipients).
1.2. By ordering postal services through TCE, the User expressly agrees that any contracted service can be provided both by the supplier and through its subcontractors, TCE retaining full legal responsibility towards the User.
II. Definition of some terms
2.1. "Postal services" means the services consisting in the collection, sorting, transport and delivery of postal items.
2.2. "Provider of postal services" - represents any authorized natural person, sole proprietorship, family enterprise or any legal entity whose activity consists, always in part, in the provision of one or more postal services.
2.3. "Postal network" represents the organization system and resources of any kind, used by the postal service provider, mainly, for:
• collection of postal items
• transport and handling of postal items from the access points to the distribution centers
• distribution of postal items to the indicated addresses.
2.4. "Access points" - represent the physical facilities, including mailboxes made available to the public, through which postal items can be entered into the postal network.
2.5. "Contact points" - represents the set of physical installations through which postal items can be delivered to recipients.
2.6. "Automated collection and/or delivery systems" - represent unmanned, automated and digitized collection access points and/or delivery contact points that are used to provide self-service postal services.
In the postal network owned by TCE, the automatic collection and/or delivery system is known as "locker/easybox".
2.7. "Collection" - represents the operation of picking up postal items carried out either through the access points or from an address indicated by the sender.
2.8. "Delivery" - means the delivery operation by the postal service provider of postal items.
2.9. "Distribution" - represents the process that begins with the sorting of postal items and ends with their delivery to the recipients.
2.10. "Mailing Submission Date" - means the date on which the mailing was collected. The provisions of art. 181 of Law no. 134/2010 on the Code of Civil Procedure (republished, with subsequent amendments and additions) remain applicable.
2.11. "Mailing" - represents communication, in written form, on any kind of physical support, to be transported and delivered to the address indicated by the sender on the mailing itself or on its packaging. Books, catalogs, newspapers, periodicals are not considered correspondence.
2.12. "Registered postal shipment" - represents the postal shipment that is the object of a service whose peculiarity is the issuance by the supplier to the sender of a document that allows the supplier to internally identify the shipment in the postal network, to certify the date of submission, as well as, as a rule, the payment the tariff.
2.13. "Postal shipment" - represents an addressee good, in the final form in which it is to be transported and delivered to the address indicated by the sender on the shipment itself, on the packaging or in a distribution list. In addition to correspondence, this category includes, for example, printed matter, "M" bags, small packages, postal parcels containing goods with or without commercial value and postal orders on paper. Hybrid submissions are not included in this category.
2.14. "International mail" - means mail sent from the territory of Romania to an address that is not located on this territory or sent from outside the territory of Romania to an address located on its territory and mail sent from outside the territory of Romania to an address that is not is located on this territory, but in transit on Romanian territory.
2.15. "Postal parcel" - represents the postal shipment with a maximum weight of 31.5 kg, containing goods with or without commercial value.
2.16. "Registered delivery service" - represents the postal service whose particularities consist in offering a flat-rate guarantee against the risks of loss, theft, total or partial destruction or damage to the registered postal item and in the release, upon request, after the deposit or delivery of the postal item , of a proof of mailing or delivery to the addressee, without being confirmed in writing by the addressee.
2.17. "Cash on delivery service" - represents the postal service, the particularity of which consists in the payment by the recipient to the sender, through the postal network, of the value of the good that is the object of the registered postal shipment.
2.18. "Receipt confirmation service" - represents the postal service whose peculiarity consists in the delivery to the sender of the proof of delivery of the registered postal item, confirmed in writing by the addressee.
2.19. "Special delivery service" - represents the postal service with the object of registered postal items, the particularity of which consists in the delivery of the postal item, personally to the addressee or the person authorized to receive the postal item, according to the sender's instructions regarding either the date and time of delivery, to the indicated address, or the order of delivery, in the case of several recipients.
2.20. "Express service" - represents the postal service which assumes, cumulatively:
i) the release by the supplier to the sender of some evidence that allows the supplier to internally identify the shipment in the postal network and that certifies the date and time of submission, as well as, as a rule, the payment of the tariff;
ii) delivery of the postal item to the recipient's address, personally to him or to the person authorized to receive the postal item;
iii) fast delivery of the postal item;
iv) the supplier's liability for non-compliance with the delivery time (provided in this document, in accordance with the normative acts in force).
2.21. "Declared value sending service" - represents the postal service whose particularity consists in insuring a registered postal item against loss, theft, total or partial destruction or damage, for an amount that cannot exceed the value declared by the sender, and in releasing , upon request, after the submission, respectively the delivery of the postal item, of a proof of the submission of the postal item or delivery to the addressee, without being confirmed in writing by him.
2.22. "Sender" (hereinafter referred to as "beneficiary") - represents the natural or legal person who initiates the mailing and, personally or through a third party, enters it into the postal network.
2.23. "Recipient" - represents the person to whom the postal item is addressed.
2.24. "User" - any natural or legal person benefiting from the provision of a postal service as sender or recipient.
2.25. "Integrator" - represents any natural or legal person who acts on a contractual basis as an intermediary between one or more senders and the postal service provider, whose activity consists, in whole or in part, in the generation and processing of postal items and their introduction into the postal network of a postal service provider for delivery to the address indicated by the sender. These services provided by the integrator are not postal services.
2.26. "AWB" - represents the transport document that accompanies any postal item (shipment), identified by a unique code that allows tracking of the postal item in the TCE postal (and transport) network.
2.27. "Essential requirements" - represent the general, non-economic conditions that impose requirements for the provision of postal services, consisting of: confidentiality of correspondence, ensuring the security of the postal network in the case of the transport of dangerous goods, compliance with employment conditions, social security systems provided by the legal acts or the administrative and regulatory provisions and/or the collective agreement negotiated between the national social partners, in accordance with national and European Union legislation and, as the case may be, data protection, environmental and planning rules the territory. Data protection includes the protection of personal data, the confidentiality of transmitted or stored information and the protection of the right to private life, in compliance with the legal provisions in force.
2.28. "TCE" - represents the company TCE WORLDWIDE SERVICES SRL, with registered office in Bucharest, Street Drumul Sabareni no. 24-26, sector 6, registered at the Trade Registry, with number J40/9876/2010 and tax code 27528742, including any subcontractor of the company TCE WORLDWIDE SERVICES, contracted by it to fulfill/provide postal services.
2.29. “Ouch commercial contract" - represents the set of offers regarding the provision of postal services, with the exception of individual offers proposed in the framework of direct negotiations.
2.30. "ANCOM" - represents the National Authority for Communications Administration and Regulation.
Other terms, phrases or definitions applicable in the field can be consulted in:
- Emergency Government Ordinance no. 13/2013 on postal services, with subsequent amendments and additions
- Emergency Government Ordinance no. 34/2014 regarding the rights of consumers in contracts concluded with professionals, as well as for the modification and completion of some normative acts, with subsequent modifications and additions
- ANCOM decision no. 925/2023 regarding the general authorization regime for the provision of postal services
- Decision of the President of ANCOM no. 336/2013 regarding the means and manner of transmission by suppliers of documents, data or information to ANCOM, with subsequent amendments and additions.
III. Conditions for accepting postal items in order to provide postal services by TCE
3.1. The type of postal items that are the object of the services offered and provided by TCE: domestic postal items and international postal items.
3.2. The postal collection is carried out only through the access points not served by staff (automatic collection system/locker/easybox) or by the supplier's staff, at the access points served by staff or from the address indicated by the sender.
3.3. The collection of the postal item by the supplier is carried out even if it does not indicate the sender's name/designation or address, with the exception of the Cash on Delivery Service.
3.5. In the case of the Cash on Delivery service, TCE has the obligation to collect from the recipient, upon handing over the postal item, the refund declared by the sender and to subsequently transmit it to the sender.
The payment of the refund by the recipient can be made both in cash and online with a bank card, following which the amounts collected as a refund will be transferred to the sender exclusively in the bank account indicated by him and of which he is the owner.
The maximum limit of the refund collected in cash is 5,000.00 ron (for the Cash on Delivery service with legal entities as recipients) and 10,000.00 ron (for the Cash on Delivery service with natural persons as recipients), per domestic or international mailing.
The deadline for returning to the sender the value of the goods (the amount collected from the recipient as a refund) is 5 (five) working days from the delivery of the postal item.
The accepted currency in which the amounts can be collected and paid in the case of the Cash on Delivery service is RON.
For the Cash on Delivery service for international postal items, the refund will be collected in the national currency of the collection/destination country or the Euro currency, if the monetary policy of the destination country allows this.
From these conditions, respectively from the maximum accepted limit or the method of collecting or paying the sums of money, in the case of the cash on delivery service, it is possible to derogate only by means of commercial contracts concluded in written form, based on separately negotiated individual offers .
3.6. In the case of the declared value sending service, the maximum limit of the declared value of the goods that are the subject of domestic or international postal sending cannot exceed the amount of 40,000 RON (or the equivalent in the national currency of the country of collection/destination or the Euro currency). In order to ensure the postal delivery at the declared value, regardless of whether it represents the main service or an additional feature of another service, the sender must pay in its case, in addition to the postal service rate, a rate of 1% of the mentioned declared value.
These conditions, including the maximum accepted limit of the declared value, can only be derogated from through commercial contracts concluded in written form, based on separately negotiated individual offers.
Also, in the case of the declared value sending service, the term in which the sender can request from the TCE the proof of the submission, respectively the delivery of the postal item that is the object of this type of service is 9 (nine) months calculated from the date of its submission, and the term of communication to the sender of the proof will be 30 (thirty) calendar days calculated from the request, through a method agreed with the sender or the integrator (for example, e-mail, on paper, etc.), without involving additional costs at the expense of the sender.
The proof of the identity of the sender or of the quality of representative of the sender of the person who submits the postal item that is the object of the sending service with declared value is the identity document or power of attorney and the document of identity, as appropriate.
3.7. TCE offers and provides the service of confirmation of receipt and the service of special delivery, having as its object only domestic postal items.
3.9. In order to be deposited in the postal network of the TCE provider, postal items must be packaged and labeled (where applicable) according to the nature of the item that is the subject of the postal item and which corresponds to the weight, shape and nature of the contents, as well as the mode and duration of transport , by providing an opaque outer covering so that the contents cannot be viewed and access to the contents of the postal items is not possible.
Packaging of postal items is the responsibility of the sender.
To be accepted in the postal network, postal items must meet the following packaging conditions:
1. a) the packaging of the postal shipment must be made according to the nature of the good/the contents of the postal shipment, and the shipment must be packed in such a way as to prevent damage to the contents under conditions of manual and mechanical handling.
2. b) the packaging must not allow the contents of the postal item to be damaged due to successive handling, pressure, packaging can be achieved by using boxes made of cardboard, plywood, wood, plastic, metal and/or non-typed packaging.
3. c) ensuring the tightness of the containers that are the subject of postal items, which must not allow the content to leak or spill during the transport, sorting, handling of postal items and/or the production of damage to the facilities used in the process of sorting, handling, transport and delivery of postal items or other items of mail or other goods.
4. d) postal items must be closed and sealed by the sender. TCE does not collect (pick up and/or receive) unsealed and unsealed postal items.
5. e) the transport of postal items requires appropriate packaging, so that the contents of the postal items are sufficiently protected against handling caused by related equipment, varied climatic conditions (where applicable) and mechanical handling (diagonal drop height from 80 cm).
6. f) postal items that contain fragile goods or that require special handling must be properly packed and labeled by the sender, using bubble wrap, sawdust, anti-shock polystyrene or other material that mitigates mechanical shock as filler, and have the label applied / the inscription "Fragile".
TCE undertakes to recognize and respect the inscriptions/labels applied by the sender and to pay special attention to the collected postal items in terms of handling, transport and storage.
The sender must ensure that the postal items to be picked up/collected and distributed by TCE will not be packed in several individual postal items linked and/or clamped together, which circulate and are transported to the destination under the same document single carriage (AWB).
Recommendations, methods and instructions regarding the packaging of postal items, depending on the nature of the goods that may be the subject of postal items, are available to users by publishing on the page -and-international/ .
The data of the recipients and, where applicable, of the senders will also have to contain the telephone number of the addressee, respectively of the sender, these being useful to TCE in order to provide efficient postal services.
3.10. Mail items refused for collection, including sorting, transport and delivery:
1. a) Postal shipments consisting of goods whose transportation is prohibited (even if only on a portion of the route) by domestic and international legal provisions.
2. b) Postal items whose packaging contains inscriptions that are contrary to public order or good morals, as well as postal items consisting of goods that are contrary to public order or good morals, if they are submitted unpackaged or in transparent packaging.
3. c) Mail items that have old labels or inscriptions that have not been removed.
4. d) Postal items that have as their object goods of special value, such as antiques, works of art, paintings, furs, carpets, money, jewelry made of precious metals, precious stones.
5. e) Firearms – as they are defined by the applicable law in Romania and, as the case may be, by a country of transit or by the country of dispatch and/or destination.
6. f) Postal shipments which, through their packaging method, may cause damage to some goods or may endanger people, the environment,
7. g) Perishable goods and products, live animals, materials for medical or biological examinations, medical waste, human or animal remains, body parts and/or organs.
3.11. Only tr. will be accepted and collected in the TCE network postal imitations that will have the following dimensions and maximum (physical) weights:
– envelope size – 210 mm X 297 mm (A4 format)
- envelope weight - 3 Kg
- package (physical) weight - 31.5 Kg
- maximum package length of one side of the package must not exceed 300 cm
– circumference + length (maximum) package: 500 cm (circumference = 2 x height + 2 x width).
– the minimum unit of charge for a postal item is 1 kg (the rounding of the physical weight is done by increasing, when the weight exceeds 0.01 grams).
GIRTH – L + (w + h) x 2 > 340 cm
– a postal item may contain 1 (one) or more pieces.
3.12. Each postal item is identified in the TCE postal network by a unique transport document (AWB).
3.13. All postal services aimed at internal postal items, provided by TCE, can be provided either using its own means or through subcontractors. Postal services aimed at international mailings are provided exclusively through subcontractors.
3.14. The tariff for postal services can be paid by bank transfer, at the latest when the postal item is submitted to the TCE postal network. The exception is postal items that are the subject of postal services offered and provided under a contract for the provision of postal services concluded separately with the sender, in which case the postal service fee will be paid by bank transfer, based on an invoice issued by the Supplier bimonthly or monthly, within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of communication of the invoice.
3.15. The postal service fee is charged/paid in RON (Leu), at the chargeable weight of the postal items, respectively at the higher of the value calculated between the physical weight and the volumetric weight.
The maximum allowable chargeable weight of a postal item is 31.5 kg.
The volumetric weight of a postal package is calculated according to the formula: length x width x height (measured in centimeters)/6000.
3.16. TCE practices standard tariffs, as well as negotiated tariffs, established by the contracts concluded with its shippers/beneficiaries.
IV. Delivery of the postal item to the addressee
4.1. The delivery of the postal item that is the subject of all the postal services provided by TCE is made to the address indicated by the sender, personally to the addressee or to the person authorized to receive the postal item or to the contact point of TCE (served or not served by staff, including the automatic system of delivery), personally to the recipient or to the person authorized to receive the postal item, after the prior transmission of a notice (sent via SMS or email, but also through the TCE APP application, with the appropriate content provided of the normative acts) to announce the arrival of the postal item.
Mail delivery through the automatic delivery system (locker) is carried out every day of the week.
4.2. In the case of the express service or the special delivery service, TCE delivers the postal item to the address indicated by the sender, personally to the recipient or to the person authorized to receive the postal item.
4.3. In the case of the confirmation of receipt service, TCE will hand over the postal item that is the object of this postal service only on the condition that the recipient or the person authorized to receive the postal item confirms, in writing, the receipt of the postal item, by indicating the date, name and surname in clear , of its quality in relation to the recipient and, respectively, by adding the signature, on the form established and used by Sameday in the case of this service.
The deadline for returning proof of receipt (confirmed in writing by the recipient) is 5 (five) working days from delivery.
4.4. If the delivery of the postal item is carried out by means of automatic delivery systems, TCE will keep the postal item in the locker, in order to be picked up by the addressee, for a minimum of 36 hours, a term that is calculated from the time of his notification regarding the fact that the postal item has been submitted and loaded into the automatic system, which, moreover, will be communicated to the user, as part of the notice. Sent in order to pick up the postal item from the locker. By means of commercial contracts, individually negotiated with the senders, longer retention periods can be established or the possibility of extending the initial retention period.
4.5. TCE has the right to refuse delivery to the addressee of the postal item, when the postal item picked up through the access points not served by staff (especially in the case of the automatic delivery system) does not comply with the general acceptance conditions established by the Supplier, as well as in the situation where the sender has not fully paid the tariff corresponding to the chosen/ordered postal service.
4.6 . TCE may destroy mail that has caused or is likely to cause significant damage to persons, the environment, facilities used, or other mail items, in compliance with applicable law and, when possible, with notification to the sender. In this case, the contract terminates by law, the burden of proof falling under these circumstances to the postal provider TCE.
V. Terms of keeping/returning postal items
5.1. With the exception of postal items that are subject to the Express service and/or the special delivery service (in which case delivery has been requested by the sender at the date and time established by him, to the indicated address), in the event of the impossibility of delivering the postal items to the addressee ( or the authorized person), because it was not found at the address indicated by the sender, the recipient's address does not exist or at the indicated address there is no building or container to which the postal item can be delivered or an available service intended for receiving postal items, respectively in the event that the postal item has not been picked up from the automatic delivery system, TCE will notify the recipient through a notice (sms or email, as well as through the TCE APP application, regarding at the attempted delivery of the postal item and will keep, at the point of contact, for delivery, the postal item for a period of 5 (five) working days calculated from the date of its approval.
In these cases, TCE has the right to establish in its Commercial Offers, additional rates for the return of postal items.
5.2. Postal items undelivered to the addressee due to one of the causes mentioned above will be returned to the sender (with prior notification by means of a notice), to his address, and, in case of impossibility of delivery to his address (e.g., the sender was not found at address indicated), the return of the postal item to the sender will be made at the TCE access/contact point. Postal items are returned and charged according to the Commercial Offer and, where applicable, according to the rates separately agreed with the sender by means of the contract concluded with him on the basis of individual offers.
5.3. The deadline for returning the internal postal shipment is 5 (five) working days calculated from the date of expiration of the approved retention period or from the date of the delivery attempt, as the case may be. The deadline for returning international postal items is 7 (seven) working days from the date of expiry of the approved storage period or from the date of the delivery attempt.
In the case of the initial impossibility of delivering the returned postal item to the sender, TCE will notify the sender by means of a notice announcing the attempted return of the postal item and will keep, at the point of contact, for delivery, the postal item that could not be delivered delivered to him, for a period of 5 days from the date of his approval.
5.4. TCE offers the possibility of speedy return of the postal item without the consent of the addressee and, respectively, without keeping the postal item at his disposal. Thus, in the situation where the sender requested in writing to the postal provider, at the time of submitting the postal item, the prompt return of the postal item, without the consent of the addressee and respectively, without keeping the postal item at his disposal, in the event of the impossibility of delivering it to the addressee, TCE will proceed to the return of the said postal item according to the sender's option, within the term and according to the procedure established by Art.5.2. and Art. 5.3.
5.5. If TCE is unable to deliver the postal item due to the fact that the addressee (or the person authorized to receive the postal item) has refused, as the case may be, to pay the value of the good that is the object of the Cash on Delivery service or to confirm, in writing, the upon receipt of the postal item in the case of the Receipt Confirmation service, TCE will promptly return the said postal item, within the period established according to Art. 5.3., as the case may be, without the recipient's approval and, respectively, without keeping the postal item at his disposal.
5.6. The term in which the sender can request the proof of delivery or deposit of the registered postal item is 9 (nine) months calculated from the date of collection by TCE, and the term of its communication to the sender will be 30 (thirty) calendar days calculated from the request, through a method agreed with the sender or the integrator (for example, e-mail, on paper, etc.), without involving additional costs for the sender.
5.7. Postal items that could not be delivered to the addressee or returned to the sender will be kept by TCE for 9 (nine) months calculated from the date of their submission. After expiring after this term, unclaimed mail will become the property of TCE.
5.8. Proof of the recipient's identity is given by his identity document, or power of attorney and identity document, as the case may be.
With the exception of the receipt confirmation service, TCE uses additional ways to identify the recipient/person authorized to receive the postal item, respectively based on a PIN code sent via SMS to the recipient's phone number or to his/her email address as indicated by to the sender, as well as through the TCE APP.
5.9. TCE offers Users the availability of electronic monitoring of the course of the postal shipment (track & trace) for the entire duration of the collection, sorting, transport or delivery operations of the respective postal shipment, through the website, as well as through the TCE application app.
VI. Guaranteed delivery times
6.1. In the case of the Express service, which is aimed at domestic postal shipments, the guaranteed delivery time is:
– 24 h, for the delivery of postal items collected and delivered in the same locality,
– 24 h, for the delivery of postal items between county and intra-county residences,
– 36 h, for the delivery of postal items between any two other localities on the territory of Romania.
6.2. In the case of exceeding the guaranteed delivery times related to the Express service, TCE will respond to the users by refunding the late service fee or will grant the sender another free mailing, according to his express request.
6.3. TCE does not offer and does not provide the Express service for international postal items.
6.4. For the other types of postal services having as their object internal postal items, delivery times will not exceed 3 (three) working days from collection.
6.5. In the case of international postal items collected from the territory of Romania and to be delivered to a recipient located in one of the states in the European Union or outside the EU, as well as those in the opposite direction, delivery times will not exceed 18 (eighteen) days workers calculated from collection.
6.6. In the case of non-compliance with the times/terms thus established in this document (but excluding the delivery times related to the Express service), TCE will respond to the user by returning a percentage of 0.3% of the value of the respective service tariff.
VII. Liability of the postal service provider
7.1. TCE is responsible for the damage caused to the sender in the event of loss, theft, total or partial destruction or damage to the postal item, if these circumstances occurred between the time of submitting the postal item to the access point and the time of its delivery to the recipient. Also, TCE is responsible for theft, total or partial loss, total or partial destruction or damage to the postal item that is returned to the sender or integrator, respectively the amount of money that is the object of the cash on delivery service or the form that certifies the delivery of the postal item to recipient within the receipt confirmation service.
7.2. For postal services with the object of internal postal items, TCE responds as follows:
1. a) in case of loss, theft or total destruction:
2. with the full declared value, for a postal item that is the subject of a declared value delivery service, including whether or not the said postal item is subject to a cash on delivery service.
3. with the cash-on-delivery value, for a postal item that is subject to a cash-on-delivery service without a declared value.
4. with the amount representing 5 times the service rate, for postal items that are not subject to a value-added service or a cash-on-delivery service.
5. b) in case of loss or partial destruction or damage:
6. with the declared value for the missing, destroyed or damaged part or with the share corresponding to the missing weight of the declared value, for postal items that are subject to a declared value delivery service.
7. with the amount representing 5 times the service rate for postal items that are not subject to a value-added service.
8. c) in the case of a shipment that is the subject of a cash-on-delivery service, the postal service provider is responsible for the full value of the cash-on-delivery for the situation in which it did not return the entire value to the sender or with the corresponding difference up to its full value, in if the refund was partially collected from the recipient.
7.3. To the sums provided for in Art.7.2/ letter a) and Art.7.2/letter b) shall be added the penal interest that accrues from the moment of the introduction of the prior complaint or, as the case may be, of the introduction of the request ii of summons, regardless of which of these moments intervenes first.
7.4. Complete loss of content is equivalent to loss of mailing.
7.5. In the situation where the sender declared a lower value of the postal item than the actual one, the compensation is at the level of the declared value.
7.6. Apart from the compensation provided for in Art. 7.2 / letter a), TCE will also refund the fees collected when submitting the postal item.
7.7. In case of non-performance of the services that constitute additional features of the postal services, nominated by the sender through special instructions, TCE undertakes to refund only the additional fees collected from the sender, compared to the applicable tariff for the standard postal service.
7.8. In case of loss of the proof of delivery of the postal item which is the subject of the delivery confirmation service, confirmed in writing by the recipient, TCE has the obligation to draw up and make available to the sender a duplicate proof of delivery.
7.9. TCE is responsible for international mailings in accordance with the above legal provisions applicable to postal services for domestic mailings.
7.10. The sender may waive his right to indemnification in favor of the recipient.
7.11. TCE is exempt from liability in the following situations:
1. a) the damage occurred as a result of the act of the sender or the recipient.
2. b) the postal item was received without objection by the addressee, with the exception of complaints regarding the loss, theft, damage or total or partial destruction of the contents of the postal item.
3. c) the damage occurred as a result of a case of force majeure or fortuitous event.
7.12. TCE is not liable and cannot be charged for special, indirect losses (loss of profit, income, interest, sales markets, auctions, damage to image) or other indirect damages and losses generated by delay, loss, destruction, defective delivery or non-delivery of postal items.
7.13. TCE is not responsible for possible alterations to the mailing by electromagnetic means or causes (eg demagnetization, X-ray scanning during security/customs procedures, etc.).
7.14. In the event that the delivery of postal items collected by TCE is carried out by another postal provider, the responsibility towards any user is always that of the TCE provider.
VIII. Complaints Resolution Mechanism
8.1. Any complaint regarding a postal service offered and provided by TCE or a postal item shall be made in writing and shall be sent, either by means of a postal service with confirmation of receipt, or shall be submitted to the TCE headquarters, or sent by e -mail to the address or through the IT application made available by the supplier to shippers with whom it has concluded separate commercial contracts, each claim receiving a registration number that will be communicated to the claimant in the same way in which it was received or through the one requested by the petitioner in the content of the complaint, such as: by communicating in writing the registration number, for the case that the complaint was submitted physically, by the appropriate completion and signing of the confirmation of receipt, for the case that the complaint was sent via a postal service with confirmation of receipt or by communicating the registration number by e-mail to the e-mail address from which it was received or through the computer application (to the e-mail address indicated in the TCE APP application).
8.2. The right to file a complaint belongs to:
- the sender or his legal representative.
- to the recipient or his legal representative.
8.3. The object of the complaint can be:
– total or partial loss, theft, destruction/damage of postal items.
- non-compliance with the delivery times of postal items or the deadlines established in this document, according to the contract (which is considered) concluded between the supplier and the beneficiary.
– the professional conduct of TCE staff (employed or subcontracted).
- any other objections related to the quality of the services/improper performance or non-performance of the services.
8.4. The deadline for submitting the prior complaint addressed to the TCE is 6 (six) calendar months calculated from the date of submission of the postal item.
8.5. Each claim will have to be accompanied by relevant evidence for the postal provider to carry out correct and complete analyzes corresponding to the event complained of (such as, as the case may be, the copy of the transport document, the copy of the document certifying the payment of the tariff related to the postal service, the receipts/invoices issued by the supplier, photographs, the packaging of the postal shipment, the destroyed/damaged good that is the object of the postal shipment, the copy of the record of of the damage or any other evidence to support the veracity of the statements in the complaint).
In order to resolve the complaint, the complaining user will have to identify the shipment, describe in the content of the complaint submitted to TCE the event (facts, documents and causes) related to the complaint, formulate his claims and claims, the payment method chosen in the case of the compensation granted of the supplier and to provide the necessary information for the transmission of compensations in the situation in which the complaint will prove to be well-founded, as well as the communication and contact data.
8.6. The sender or the recipient (in the event that the sender waives his right to compensation in favor of the recipient) or their legal representatives will have the right to compensation, only if the claim was submitted within the term provided for in Art. 8.4. from above.
8.7. The deadline for resolving the complaint is 3 (three) months from the date of its submission.
8.8. In the case of well-founded claims, the payment of compensation is made within 30 (thirty) calendar days calculated from the date of completion of the analysis of the claim, but without exceeding the term of 3 (three) months mentioned in Art.8.7. The payment will be made by transfer to the bank account communicated by the user or through OP, depending on the user's request mentioned in the submitted complaint.
8.9. The complaint is considered founded when the contractual liability of the postal provider towards the sender or recipient is engaged.
8.10. The granting of compensation cannot be conditioned by the transfer of the ownership of the good that is the object of the respective postal item to TCE, with the exception of postal items that are the object of sending services with a declared value or Cash on Delivery services, in which case compensations have been granted according to the applicable legal provisions , as a result of the loss, theft or total destruction of postal items.
8.11. If the complaint addressed to the attention of TCE was not satisfactorily resolved or it was not answered within the term provided in Art.8.7., the user in question may submit, within 1 (one) calendar year from the date of submission mailing, a complaint to the regulatory authority accompanied by proof of completion of the prior complaint procedure or a request for a summons. The summons can be filed regardless of whether a complaint with the same object has been submitted to the regulatory authority or not.
8.12. The provisions of these General Conditions regarding the provision of postal services are supplemented accordingly with the provisions of the legislation in force applicable in the field.
8.13. The date on which the General Conditions regarding the provision of postal services become applicable is July 1, 2024.
General Manager Bucharest | Romania
SC TCE WORLDWIDE SERVICES SRL, headquartered in Bucharest, str. Drumul Sabareni no. 24-26, sector 6, registered at the Trade Register, with number J40 / 9876/2010 and fiscal code 27528742, e-mail:, website, represented by Flavian Fecioru for performing postal services according to Government Emergency Ordinance no. 13/2013 on postal services, approved by Law 187/2013, with subsequent amendments and completions, and the Decision of the President of ANCOM no. 313/2017 regarding the general authorization regime regarding the provision of postal services.
1. General Provisions
1.1. These General Conditions represent the general terms of the individual contracts concluded between SC TCE WORLDWIDE SERVICES SRL (hereinafter referred to as “TCE WORLDWIDE” or “Supplier”) and the shippers having as object the provision by the Supplier of the postal services identified in point 2.1.
1.2. The parties may establish, by their agreement, in the special conditions of the individual contracts they will conclude, any other clauses in connection with the provision of the postal services mentioned in point 2.1, in compliance with the mandatory legal provisions.
2. Applicability of the General Conditions
2.1. The General Conditions will apply to the following postal services provided by TCE WORLDWIDE:
• For services included in the scope of universal service:
- Services consisting in the collection, sorting, transport and delivery of domestic and international postal items weighing up to 2 kg (inclusive) (correspondence, printed items);
- Services consisting in the collection, sorting, transport and delivery of domestic and international postal parcels weighing up to 10 kg (inclusive);
- Services consisting in the distribution of international postal parcels with weight limits between 10 kg and 20 kg (inclusive) sent from outside the territory of Romania to an address located on its territory;
- Recommended sending service having as object domestic and international postal items weighing up to 2 kg (inclusive) (correspondence, printed items);
- The service of sending with declared value having as object domestic and international postal items weighing up to 2 kg (inclusive) (mailings, printed) or domestic and international postal parcels weighing up to 10 kg (inclusive), respectively international postal parcels with a weight limit between 10 kg and 20 kg (inclusive) sent from outside the territory of Romania to an address located on its territory.
• For postal services not included in the scope of universal service:
- Services consisting in the collection, sorting, transport and delivery of domestic and international postal items weighing more than 2 kg (correspondence, printed items);
- Mail advertising services having as object domestic and international postal items;
- Services consisting in the collection, sorting, transport and delivery of internal postal parcels with weight limits between 10 kg and 50 kg (inclusive);
- Services consisting in the collection, sorting and transport of international postal parcels with weight limits between 10 kg and 50 kg (inclusive) sent from the territory of Romania to an address outside its territory;
- Services consisting in the distribution of international postal parcels with weight limits between 20 kg and 50 kg (inclusive) sent from outside the territory of Romania to an address located on its territory;
- “Cash on delivery” service;
- “Change of destination” service;
- “Special delivery” service;
- “Confirmation of receipt” service;
- "Express" service.
Type of postal items: domestic and international.
3. The contract for the provision of postal services
• The individual contract between the sender or integrator and the supplier is considered concluded, without the need to draw up a document, by the sender's acceptance of the supplier's offer, under the general conditions for providing postal services established by the provider, when accepting the postal item.
• The general conditions regarding the provision of postal services can be consulted on the provider's website, as well as at any access point served by staff hired or contracted by the provider.
• Any other clauses may be established by agreement of the parties, with or without the elaboration of a document in this respect, in compliance with the mandatory legal provisions.
• The moment of accepting the postal item in the postal network is the moment of taking over the registered or unregistered postal item by the employed or contracted staff of the supplier.
• The moment of acceptance of the postal item may also be the submission of the unregistered postal item in the offices of the supplier or a person authorized by him;
• By taking over by the employed or contracted staff of the supplier the postal item, the supplier acknowledges the observance by the sender of the conditions of acceptance of the postal items.
• The individual contract between the sender or integrator and the supplier ends in one of the following cases:
a) by handing over the postal item to the recipient or returning it to the sender;
b) by agreement of the parties;
c) at the expiration of the retention term provided in art. 6.3;
d) by the fortuitous impossibility of execution, for 6 months, of the contract;
e) by unilateral denunciation by the supplier;
f) by handing over to the sender the value of the good that is the object of the cash on delivery service;
g) by handing over to the sender the proof regarding the delivery to the consignee of the postal item that is the object of the acknowledgment of receipt service.
• The law applicable to the contract is Romanian law.
4. Conditions for acceptance and delivery of postal items
4.1. Maximum weights and dimensions allowed for postal items:
The maximum weight allowed for postal items is 31 kg.
The largest size allowed is 2.5 meters.
The tariff weight is the highest of the real or volumetric weight at a postal item, charging the higher value rounded to one whole kilogram.
The volumetric weight (in kg) of the consignment is calculated according to the formula:
"Width (in cm.) Multiplied by length (in cm.) Multiplied by height (in cm.) All divided by 5000". The maximum dimensions of each package in the consignment must not exceed:
• 0.9 х 0.9 х 0.9 m for the package
• length up to 3 m and diameter 0.2 m for postal items with roll or cylinder shape.
Postal items with dimensions exceeding those described can be taken over for the provision of the postal service only after prior verification of the possibility of taking over / handling / supply / delivery of the supplier. It depends on the type of postal item, the collection address and the delivery address. The price for the delivery of such shipments is additionally negotiated with the user, if it is not provided in the Tariff before taking over the shipment.
4.2. The way of packing or the degree of processing of the postal item:
The shipper will ensure the appropriate packaging, with an opaque coating that does not allow the visualization of the contents, of the shipments before taking them by TCE WORLDWIDE, in order to avoid damage or destruction and to be transported and handled under normal conditions established by the Supplier. . The sender is solely responsible for the proper packaging of the shipment and consequently the only one responsible for the hidden packaging defects that may lead to a deterioration of the contents of the shipment, TCE WORLDWIDE, being absolved of any responsibility regarding such damages.
The packaging and closure of items must be adapted to their volume, weight and content, so as to ensure their protection against damage but also to the inviolability of the postal item.
The packaging of postal items must not contain information of previous shipments (addresses, persons, postal codes, telephone numbers) or barcodes or points, likely to complicate the process of sorting, scanning and registering postal items in the supplier's facilities.
4.3. How to fill in the identification data and the address of the recipient / sender
For any shipment, all specifications regarding that shipment contained in the consignment note (awb) will be completed based on the data provided by the Shipper. The consignment note (awb) is a document with a unique number, according to the supplier's model, completed according to the data provided by the user. This document can be on paper or in electronic format in the information system of the supplier. The number of this document must be placed on the package representing the identification element of the postal item.
The sender's signing of the consignment note (awb) confirms the specifications contained in the consignment note (awb) and certifies that the Sender assumes full responsibility in case the specifications are inaccurate or incorrect, etc. In all cases where required by law, the Shipper shall provide TCE WORLDWIDE or its representatives with accurate and complete information regarding the goods shipped. The sender will also provide TCE WORLDWIDE with the full and correct name and address of the recipient, mentioning, if any, the name and telephone number of the contact person and / or another person authorized to pick up correspondence on behalf of the recipient. . For shipments with the cash on delivery service, it is mandatory to fill in the sender's data according to the above requirements, clearly mentioning the value of the refund to be collected by the Supplier.
Signatures can be:
1. Autograph signature applied on the paper copy of the documents;
2. Electronic signature, applied on the electronic version of the documents, without the need to print them on paper.
4.4. The minimum number of postal items that may be the subject of the postal service is 1 (one), except for the mail advertising service where the minimum number is 500 items.
4.5. Postal items that can be refused for collection
Excluded from collection, sorting, transport and delivery: postal items consisting of goods whose transport is prohibited by the legal provisions in force, or even only for a portion of the route, postal items whose packaging has inscriptions that are contrary to public order or good morals, as well as postal items consisting of goods that contravene public order or good morals if deposited unpackaged or with packaging that allows viewing the contents, weapons, ammunition, narcotics, toxic, flammable substances or goods prohibited by law, or for whose transport special authorizations are required.
4.6. The maximum limit of the reimbursement, respectively of the declared value
a. for the Cash on Delivery service, the maximum acceptance limit for sending the postal item is RON 4,999.
b. for the declared value service, the maximum acceptance limit for sending the postal item is 20,000 Ron.
4.7. The currency (allowed) in which the collection can be made, respectively the payment of the sums of money in case of the Cash on delivery service is RON.
4.8. The area where the postal services take place
TCE WORLDWIDE ensures the delivery of postal items throughout Romania as well as in the intra-Community space through its own distribution system or through any form contracted by TCE WORLDWIDE SERVICES.
4.9. Proof of the identity / quality of representative of the sender / recipient of the person who submits / picks up the postal item at the access / contact point served by the staff.
• The proof of the identity / quality of representative of the sender who submits the postal item to the access point served by the employed or contracted personnel of the Supplier is the identity document.
• Proof of the identity / quality of representative of the recipient who takes over the postal item from the contact point served by the staff employed or contracted by the Supplier is the identity document.
4.10. Methods of payment for the postal service.
The prices of the postal services provided by the Supplier are established by him in his own Tariff or will be agreed with the Sender and expressly mentioned in the special conditions of the individual contract concluded with the Sender. The prices established in the special conditions of the individual contract will not be able to exceed the level of those indicated in the own Tariff. The payment of the postal services performed by TCE WORLDWIDE can be made both by the Sender and by the Recipient or Third Party in cash or by bank transfer, under the conditions and terms established by the Supplier with the User.
The secrecy of postal items is inviolable, the retention, opening or disclosure of the contents of postal items being allowed only under the law.
4.11. TCE WORLDWIDE provides the registered delivery service whose particularities consist in offering a flat-rate guarantee against the risks of loss, theft, total or partial destruction or damage of the registered postal item and in issuing, upon request, after depositing or delivering the postal item, a proof of delivery of the postal item or delivery to the consignee, without being confirmed in writing by the consignee.
The sender may request the issuance of proof of submission of the postal item or delivery to the consignee within 9 months from the date of its submission in the TCE WORLDWIDE network. agreed method (eg fax, e-mail, etc.) without incurring additional costs for the sender.
4.12. TCE WORLDWIDE provides delivery services with declared value, services whose particularities consist in insuring a postal item against loss, theft, total or partial destruction or damage, for an amount that cannot exceed declared value by the sender, and in issuing, at request, proof of submission of the postal item.
The deadline within which the sender may request proof of the submission of the postal item that is the subject of a declared delivery service is 9 months from the date of its submission, TCE WORLDWIDE having the obligation to communicate that proof within a maximum of 30 days from the date of the request, by a method agreed with the sender or integrator (eg fax, e-mail, etc.), without incurring additional costs for the sender.
5. Quality conditions
TCE WORLDWIDE has the obligation to comply with the quality standards provided by law for the services in the field of the service it intends to provide, insofar as the fulfillment of these obligations is not prevented by cases of force majeure, accident or fault of the Sender and / or To the recipient. So:
• TCE WORLDWIDE has the obligation to ensure delivery to Recipients within the deadlines provided for each service.
• TCE WORLDWIDE ensures the delivery of shipments in optimal conditions.
• The quality standards for the postal services having as object internal postal items and intra-community postal items are published on the Supplier's website.
5.1 Delivery times
5.1.1 For all postal services, except the Express service:
a) For domestic shipments the delivery times are:
- 1 working day in the same locality;
- 2 working days between the county and intra-county residences;
- 3 working days between any other locality;
b) For international shipments the delivery times are:
- 10 working days for intra-community destinations;
5.1.2 In the case of the Express service, the following delivery times are established:
a) For domestic shipments the delivery times are:
- 12 hours in the same locality;
- 24 hours for intra-county deliveries or between county residences
- 36 hours between any other two localities on the Romanian territory.
The program in which the internal postal items that are the object of the Express service can be taken over is from Monday to Thursday, between 8.00 and 14.00.
b) For international shipments, the time while the postal item is on the territory of Romania, may not exceed the limits provided in 5.1.2 letter a).
In the case of international shipments, the time during which the postal item is outside the territory of Romania may not exceed 120 hours.
In case of exceeding these delivery times, TCE WORLDWIDE is liable to the user by refunding a percentage of 20% for every 6 hours of delay.
5.1.3 The deadline for returning to the sender the proof regarding the delivery of domestic and international postal items, which are the subject of the acknowledgment of receipt service, is 2 working days from the date of delivery of the item to the recipient.
5.1.4 The term for returning to the sender the value of domestic and international postal items, which are subject to the Cash on Delivery service, is 3 working days from the date of delivery of the postal item to the recipient.
5.2. Supplier's liability
5.2.1. TCE WORLDWIDE is responsible for shipments sent through the services indicated in art. 2.1. If the deliveries are not made within the declared term, due to causes attributable to him, TCE WORLDWIDE will compensate the client by returning the collected tariff or the free delivery of the shipment, as the case may be. The Supplier does not assume responsibility for deliveries made late due to causes not attributable to the Supplier or due to the occurrence of cases of force majeure, fortuitous cases, etc.
TCE WORLDWIDE will be liable to the Shipper, in connection with its shipments, with the exceptions indicated above, as follows:
a) in case of loss, theft or total destruction:
1. with the full declared value, for a postal item which is the subject of a forwarding service with declared value, including whether or not that postal item is the subject of a cash on delivery service;
2. with the value of the refund, for a postal item that is the subject of a cash on delivery service without declared value;
3. with the amount representing 5 times the service tariff, for the postal items that are not the object of a sending service with declared value or of a cash on delivery service;
b) in case of loss or partial destruction or damage:
1. with the declared value for the missing, destroyed or damaged part or with the share corresponding to the weight missing from the declared value, for the postal items that are the object of a sending service with declared value;
2. with the amount representing 5 times the service tariff, in case of partial loss, partial destruction or damage to the postal items that are not the object of a sending service with declared value;
c) in the case of a consignment which is the subject of a cash on delivery service, the postal service provider shall be liable with the full value of the refund for the situation in which it has not returned to the sender its full value or with the corresponding difference up to its full value. the refund was partially collected from the recipient.
At the amounts provided for in point 5.2.1. LIT a) and b) is added the penalizing legal interest that flows from the moment of introducing the preliminary complaint or, as the case may be, of introducing the request for summons, regardless of which of these moments intervenes first.
The complete loss of content is equivalent to the loss of the postal item.
If the sender has declared a lower value than the real one, the compensation is at the level of the declared value.
In addition to the compensations provided for in point 5.2.1. LIT a), the fees collected upon submission of the postal item are also refunded.
In case of non-performance of the services that constitute additional characteristics of the postal services, nominated by the sender through special indications, only the tariffs collected in addition to the applicable tariff for the standard postal service are refunded.
In case of loss of proof regarding the delivery of the registered postal item, confirmed in writing by the recipient, the postal service provider has the obligation to prepare and make available to the sender a duplicate of the delivery proof.
5.2.2. The postal service provider is exonerated from liability in the following situations:
• the damage occurred as a result of the deed of the sender or the recipient;
• the shipment was received without objection by the recipient, except for complaints regarding the loss, theft, damage or total or partial destruction of the contents of the postal item;
• the damage occurred as a result of a case of force majeure or fortuitous event; in this case the sender has the right to a refund of the paid tariffs, except for the insurance tariff.
5.2.3. TCE WORLDWIDE is responsible for international postal items in accordance with the provisions of international agreements in the postal field to which Romania is a party, except in cases where there are no such international agreements, in which case it will respond according to national legislation applicable to domestic postal items.
6. Delivery of postal items. Terms of keeping postal items.
6.1. The delivery of postal items is done in the ways provided by the applicable legislation, with the following specifications:
a) the parties agree that they will be handed over to the personal recipient at his address or in one of the contact points of the supplier, in case this is not possible, to a person authorized to receive the postal item. Delivery to the authorized person will be mentioned in the consignment note (awb);
b) if the consignee refuses to receive the shipment and / or to sign the receipt, this circumstance will be indicated by the Supplier in the consignment note (awb);
6.2. Except for the Express service and the Special Delivery service, if the postal item cannot be delivered to the recipient, it will be notified, and the postal item in question will be kept at the contact point of the Supplier, for delivery to the recipient, for a period. 7 days from the date of approval. Any consignment that cannot be handed over to the recipient for one of the reasons provided by law, will be returned to the sender's address, at his expense, within 30 days from the expiration of the approved period or the delivery attempt, as the case may be.
6.3. After the expiration of a period of 9 months from the date of submission of the postal item and which represents the retention period of the postal items that could not be delivered to the recipient or returned to the Sender, unclaimed postal items pass from the Sender's property to the Supplier's property. The Supplier has the right to establish additional tariffs for keeping the postal item at the disposal of the Sender or Recipient at its access points, except for the approved period. After the expiration of the retention period, the Supplier will also be able to destroy the postal item, with prior notice to the Sender, if this is possible. The Supplier will draw up a report on the destruction of the goods which will be made available to the sender upon request, representing the unloading from the Supplier's management of the postal item;
6.4. The Supplier has the right to refuse the delivery to the Recipient of the postal item in the cases provided by the applicable legislation and / or in the decisions of the competent monitoring authorities. The responsibility for the content of the shipment submitted closed rests solely with the Sender, under the conditions provided by law;
6.5. The supplier may destroy the postal item that has produced or may imminently cause significant damage to persons, the environment, the facilities used or other postal items, with the sender's information, if possible. In this case, the contract is terminated by unilateral termination by the supplier. The burden of proof lies with the supplier.
7. Complaints resolution mechanism
7.1. The complaint can be submitted both by the Sender and by the Recipient.
The complaint may be submitted in person or sent by mail, with acknowledgment of receipt, to any of the TCE WORLDWIDE offices, by e-mail to or by telephone to 0726333332, regarding the postal services provided by the Supplier. The complainant is notified of the number under which the Complaint was registered in the same manner in which it was transmitted by the user or in the manner expressly requested by him in the complaint, for example: by handing over the registration number, if the complaint was submitted in person, by signing the acknowledgment of receipt, in case of complaint through a postal service with acknowledgment of receipt or by communicating the registration number by sms / e-mail to the telephone number / e-mail address from which the complaint was received .
In the case of a complaint submitted in person, the procedure will be as follows:
a. if it is a natural person, the complaint will be submitted personally by the user or by another person expressly authorized by the user;
b. in the case of a legal person, by the legal representative of the respective legal person or by another person expressly empowered in this respect by the legal representative.
In this case, the Claimant's registration number of the Claim will be communicated on the spot.
Complaints are made individually, for each postal item separately, not cumulatively, by number of parcels, even if they belong to the same user.
Complaints must indicate the physical postal address or email to which the petitioner wishes the TCE WORLDWIDE response to be sent, as TCE WORLDWIDE will respond to the complaint submitted by the user, in writing, to the physical address or email mentioned by him in the complaint.
7.2. Deadline for filing a complaint. The term for resolving the complaint.
7.2.1 The deadline for submitting the complaint is 6 (six) months from the date of submission of the shipment.
For any complaint submitted by the Sender or Recipient, a commission composed of 2 members will be drawn up, which will analyze the evidence submitted by the Sender or Recipient. The following are accepted as evidence: copies of documents signed by both the Supplier and the User, minutes of delivery-receipt concluded between TCE WORLDWIDE, its suppliers or subcontractors and the Sender or Recipient, as well as any other evidence that will be appreciated by to the Commission that they can lead to the resolution of the complaint.
7.2.2 The term for resolving any complaint is a maximum of 3 (three) months from the date of filing the complaint.
If a claim is considered substantiated, the term in which a damage can be reimbursed or compensated is a maximum of 35 days for postal services included in the scope of universal service, respectively a maximum of 75 days for postal services not included in the scope of universal service, term calculated from the date of solving the complaint, but not exceeding the term of 3 months mentioned above.
The payment of the damage can be made in cash at the TCE WORLDWIDE headquarters or by bank transfer to the account of the entitled user, depending on his preference.
The postal service provider who took over the postal item is liable to the user for the damage caused, if these circumstances occurred between the time of sending the item and the time of delivery to the Recipient.
Fecioru Flavian Mihai Bucharest 2024