Send envelopes or parcels to the UK by courier

Send parcels from Romania to England without worry using our ECONOMIC and EXPRESS delivery services. This way you can send envelopes and parcels to England without customs operations, with collection from your address and delivery directly to the recipient's door anywhere in the UK. A cheap, safe international delivery service that provides the optimal solution both for individuals but especially for online businesses that want to ship to UK customers
The United Kingdom Ecommerce Market
The UK is the fourth largest market for e-commerce, with revenue of $177.5 billion in 2021, placing it ahead of Germany and behind Japan.
With a growth of 9%, the UK e-commerce market contributed to the global growth rate of 18% in 2021. Like the UK, global e-commerce sales are expected to increase in the coming years.
With an annual growth rate of 11% between 2021 and 2025, the UK is even expected to surpass the global average of 10%.
More than 82 online stores from Romania act as active sellers in the UK, offering their products for sale in this country. Moreover, the educated market, the extremely large number of online users the decent transit time make the final buyer buy without hesitation from online stores located in Romania.At the same time, for stores, the English language has become a default, so the conversion and expansion of stores to a strong market like the UK is done easily and especially successfully. Expand your business in the UK, sell your products in the largest market on the continent and we deliver them to you, without restrictions, without customs, cheaply and safely.

Delivery solutions for envelopes and parcels in the UK for online businesses
Cheap delivery of envelopes and parcels in the UK for online business

placing the order online from pickup awb transport directly from the application
delivery without customs operations neither at the sender nor at the recipient
cheap delivery of envelopes and parcels at rates starting with 5 eur/delivery
permanent track and trace of the shipment
door to door delivery
customer service dedicated to your business
API connection of the online store with the order application
Express delivery of envelopes and parcels of any weight to the UK.

Benefits :
placing orders online
fast delivery by air to any destination in the UK
pickup from the customer's address
permanent track and trace in order applications
API connection
telephone notification of the recipient
approval and return of goods
How does the pickup from Romania and the delivery in the UK work
Place the order in our order application directly or via API and print the shipping label
A courier shows up at your address and picks up the shipment labeled by you
The shipment arrives at our external hub where it is scanned and declared
We deliver your shipment to Royal Mail (economy) or UPS (express)
The recipient in the UK is called and the delivery is carried out in maximum safety
INDIVIDUALS - Send an envelope or parcel without a contract in England
Safe deliveries and at a very low price, with pickup from anywhere in Romania and delivery to the address in England (with telephone contact), of envelopes and parcels, Economic or Express depending on the customer's needs. The service is addressed to INDIVIDUALS, without a contract, and allows placing the order online in the order application and paying with a bank card for delivery services. After placing the order, the courier arrives at the address indicated by you to pick up the ordered shipment.
Sending Documents (envelopes) anywhere in England without a contract
pickup from your address anywhere in Romania
online order placement and bank card payment
select the delivery service (ECONOMIC or EXPRESS)
delivery to the recipient's address anywhere in England
without customs operations or customs fees
envelopes containing ONLY documents up to 200 grams/envelope
Parcel shipments anywhere in England without contract
pickup from your address anywhere in Romania
online order placement and bank card payment
select the delivery service (ECONOMIC or EXPRESS)
delivery to the recipient's address anywhere in England
without customs operations or customs fees
ECONOMIC - parcels up to 2kg/ parcel
EXPRESS - parcels up to 50 kg/ parcel

Frequently asked questions delivery in England
Pot plasa comenzi fara contract in Anglia? Desigur, poti plasa comenzi folosind in pagina Plaseaza Comanda, unde vei introduce datele comeplete ale comenzii si vei putea plati cu cardul serviciul de transport.
Pot plasa comenzi ridicare colete din Anglia ? Din pacate serviciul se adreseaza numai livrarilor Romania- Anglia
Cum vinzi in Anglia online ?
Pentru a vinde online în Anglia, există mai multe opțiuni pe care le poți lua în considerare:
Platforme de vânzare online: poți utiliza platforme precum Amazon, eBay sau Etsy pentru a-ți vinde produsele online în Anglia. Aceste platforme sunt deja bine cunoscute și au o mare audiență de cumpărători, astfel încât ar putea fi o opțiune bună pentru a-ți începe afacerea online în Anglia.
Crearea propriului site web: poți crea propriul site web de vânzare online, care îți oferă un control mai mare asupra experienței de cumpărare și a brandului tău. Poți utiliza platforme de construire a site-urilor precum Wix sau Shopify pentru a-ți crea un magazin online ușor de utilizat.
Promovarea pe rețelele sociale: poți folosi rețelele sociale, cum ar fi Facebook, Instagram sau Twitter pentru a-ți promova produsele și a le vinde direct pe aceste platforme. Poți utiliza, de asemenea, opțiunile de publicitate plătită pe aceste platforme pentru a ajunge la o audiență mai mare.
Indiferent de opțiunea pe care o alegi, este important să fii transparent în ceea ce privește politica de returnare, termenele de livrare și costurile de livrare, pentru a construi încrederea cumpărătorilor tăi.
Despre piata online din Anglia ?
Piața online din Anglia este una dintre cele mai dezvoltate din Europa și din lume, cu un număr mare de consumatori care fac cumpărături online în mod regulat. În 2020, cumpărăturile online în Marea Britanie au crescut cu 36%, cu un total de 99,3 miliarde de lire sterline cheltuite online, conform datelor publicate de Oficiul Național de Statistică.
Cele mai populare categorii de produse cumpărate online în Anglia sunt îmbrăcămintea, produsele electronice, alimentele și băuturile, precum și produsele de frumusețe și cosmetice.
De asemenea, există o mulțime de platforme online de vânzare, atât pentru companiile mari, cât și pentru vânzătorii independenți. Printre cele mai populare platforme de vânzare online din Anglia se numără Amazon, eBay, Tesco, Sainsbury's și Asda.