Ship with National Courier
Envelopes Parcels Pallets Romania
send cheap and fast national pallet parcel envelope
Whether you are an individual or a multinational company, with us you will find a top national courier service, delivery with the best, most efficient operators in the market, at an excellent price.
Try our services where
I'm in first place.

At TCE Courier, we are dedicated to providing top-notch courier services in Romania, with a special focus on Cash on Delivery (COD). Our COD courier Romania service allows your customers to pay upon delivery, enhancing trust and ensuring satisfaction. With our reliable COD delivery Romania options, you can ship to Romania effortlessly and securely, knowing that payments are handled efficiently.
Our cash collect Romania service ensures all payment collections are managed smoothly, offering both convenience and security. Whether you are a business or an individual, our Romanian courier services are designed to meet your needs with professionalism and reliability. Additionally, our cash refund Romania service manages returns seamlessly, ensuring a hassle-free experience for your customers.
Choosing TCE Courier means choosing a trusted partner for delivery to Romania. We understand the importance of timely and secure deliveries, which is why we offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific requirements. Our expertise in COD services allows you to ship with confidence, knowing that we handle every aspect of the delivery process with care and precision.
Whether you need to ship to Romania from within the country or from abroad, our services are designed to make the process easy and efficient. Our team of professionals is committed to providing exceptional service, ensuring that your packages are delivered on time and your payments are collected securely.
Experience the benefits of working with the best in the industry. Trust TCE Courier for all your COD courier needs in Romania and let us help you enhance your delivery operations with our reliable and efficient services.
Ship to Romania | Romanian Delivery
Ship to Romania with BEST Quality Service
Our services include COD courier Romania, ensuring your customers can pay upon delivery, boosting trust and satisfaction. With our reliable COD delivery Romania options, you can ship to Romania effortlessly.
Our cash collect Romania service guarantees prompt and secure handling of payments, while our cash refund Romania service manages returns smoothly. As a leading Romanian courier, we offer professional and dependable delivery to Romania. Choose TCE Courier for all your shipping needs to Romania and experience top-tier service and reliability.
Best Romanian Courier
We offer exceptional COD delivery service in Romania, tailored for both businesses and individuals. Our COD courier Romania service ensures customers can pay upon delivery, enhancing their trust and satisfaction. With reliable COD delivery Romania options, you can ship to Romania with ease and confidence.
Our cash collect Romania service guarantees secure handling of all payments, while our cash refund Romania service manages returns efficiently. As a leading Romanian courier, we provide professional and dependable delivery to Romania. Choose TCE Courier for all your COD delivery needs and experience top-tier service and reliability.
At TCE Courier, we provide a cheap delivery service in Romania, perfect for businesses and individuals seeking affordable options. Our COD courier Romania service allows customers to pay upon delivery, enhancing convenience and trust. With our cost-effective COD delivery Romania solutions, you can ship to Romania easily and securely.
Our cash collect Romania service ensures secure handling of all payments, while our cash refund Romania service manages returns efficiently. As a leading Romanian courier, we offer reliable and professional delivery to Romania. Choose TCE Courier for your cheap delivery needs and experience exceptional service at competitive rates.
We choose for you the CHEAPEST, EFFICIENT AND SAFE delivery solution NATIONAL COURIER so that you are not limited to the solutions offered by the classic courier market. For this reason, we offer both delivery by cheap local national courier and delivery through the high-capacity cargo distribution network
We deliver ANYWHERE - ANY quantity or volume of goods at an excellent price.
For deliveries of online stores (parcels and pallets), we understand that the only solution is a superior delivery speed, service with refund and maximum flexibility in the relationship with the recipient. For this reasonTCE National Courier is specially designed for the needs of online stores.
National courier advantages for online stores
-Consolidated cargo pickup;
-Fast collection and transfer of the refund to your account;
-Delivery to the customer's door for envelopes, parcels and pallets,
- Notification by SMS and EMAIL about the imminence of delivery, with awb number and time of delivery;
-Placing bulk orders both directly in the application and through API connection;
-Periodic report of successful delivery level.
- Preferential rates based on the average monthly volume automatically applied to your monthly bill.
Payment term for your shipments, ship the whole month and at the end of it we will issue an invoice which in turn will give your business a payment term.
The offer of sending National envelopes and parcels is valid both on the basis of a contract and by direct order in the TCE application.

cheap Romanian national courier with a high level of quality
At TCE Courier, we offer the best price delivery service in Romania, catering to businesses and individuals seeking cost-effective solutions. Our COD courier Romania service allows customers to pay upon delivery, boosting convenience and trust. With our reliable COD delivery Romania options, you can ship to Romania easily and securely.
Our cash collect Romania service ensures efficient and secure handling of payments, while our cash refund Romania service manages returns smoothly. As a top Romanian courier, we provide professional and dependable delivery to Romania. Choose TCE Courier for the best price delivery service and experience top-notch quality at affordable rates.
For deliveries of online stores (parcels and pallets), we understand that the only solution is a superior delivery speed, service with refund and maximum flexibility in the relationship with the recipient. For this reasonTCE National Courier is specially designed for the needs of online stores.
National courier advantages for online stores
-Consolidated cargo pickup;
-Fast collection and transfer of the refund to your account;
-Delivery to the customer's door for envelopes, parcels and pallets,
- Notification by SMS and EMAIL about the imminence of delivery, with awb number and time of delivery;
-Placing bulk orders both directly in the application and through API connection;
-Periodic report of successful delivery level.
- Preferential rates based on the average monthly volume automatically applied to your monthly bill.
Payment term for your shipments, ship the whole month and at the end of it we will issue an invoice which in turn will give your business a payment term.
The offer of sending National envelopes and parcels is valid both on the basis of a contract and by direct order in the TCE application.
best refound COD courier service in Romania
Ship envelopes in Romania cheaply and safely by fast romanian courier
You can send envelopes anywhere in Romania safely and quickly directly from the order application without restrictions and without a contract.
Just fill in where you want to send, pay and you're done... a courier comes to your door immediately to pick up the envelope.
You can track your shipment and an operator is always at your disposal for details. Don't worry, the delivery is done only in the hands of the recipient.
Ship envelopes in Romania cheaply for any business with romanian courier
If you need to send envelopes anywhere in Romania for your business, a fast and convenient option is through a fast courier service. It allows you to send envelopes with documents or invoices to the desired addresses in the shortest possible time, with delivery even on the same day or within 24 hours, depending on the delivery options chosen.

Ship parcel to Romania cheaply and safely by fast romanian courier
rata excelenta de livrare | transfer imediat de ramburs | fara taxe suplimentare
You can send a parcel anywhere in Romania safely and quickly directly from the order application without restrictions and without a contract.
Just fill in where you want to send, pay and you're done... a courier comes to your door immediately to pick up the package.
You can track your shipment and an operator is always at your disposal for details. Don't worry, the delivery is made only in the hands of the recipient.
Ship parcels in Romania cheaply for any online business with romanian courier
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If you need to send parcels anywhere in Romania for your business, a fast and convenient option is through a fast courier service. It allows you to send cash on delivery parcels to the desired addresses in the shortest possible time, with delivery even on the same day or within 24 hours, depending on the delivery options chosen with romanian courier service.

cheap and safe Romanian national courier with home pickup
Choose the courier services you need for CHEAP and SAFE sending of your envelopes and parcels. Now you can ship without needing a contract, without having to travel to the office and you are sure that a courier will come to your home on the same day as placing the order.
national courier orders placed SIMPLY online
pick up from your home and home delivery to the recipient by fast courier
fast courier payment with card or paypal safely
the lowest national courier price
the fastest delivery by national express courier
delivery guarantee - the money back on the card IMMEDIATELY if the delivery is not made on time
Ship envelope or package anywhere in Romania cheaply and safely without a contract
send ENVELOPE to ROMANIA by Romanian Courier
We pick up from your home and deliver your envelopes anywhere in Romania, safely and at the best price per envelope delivery by fast courier
send PARCEL to ROMANIA by Romanian
cheap parcel shipments anywhere in Romania without a contract by fast courier
Place the order here and a courier will come to your address and pick up the package. In 24 hours it is delivered nationally in Romania to any address with refund and delivery confirmation by national fast courier anywhere in Romania.
Trimite PLIC in Romania
online fara contract
Trimite COLET in Romania
online din aplicatie fara contract
Despre serviciul nostru de curierat ieftin national in Romania........ Suntem dedicati sa oferim solutii accesibile si eficiente pentru livrarea plicurilor si coletelor dumneavoastra oriunde in tara prin curier rapid national. Cu o echipa de profesionisti experimentati si tehnologii moderne, ne asiguram ca fiecare livrare curier rapid national este tratata cu atentie si livrata la timp. Oferim o gama larga de optiuni de livrare curier rapid national pentru a se potrivi nevoilor dvs., indiferent daca doriti sa expediati un plic mic sau un colet voluminos. Colaboram cu cele mai de incredere companii de curierat rapid national si folosim tehnologii de urmarire avansate pentru a ne asigura ca livrarile dvs. sunt in siguranta si securizate in timpul transportului. Puteti sa va bazati pe noi pentru a va oferi actualizari in timp real, astfel incat sa stiti intotdeauna unde se afla livrarile dvs curier rapid national. Asadar, daca cautati un serviciu de curierat ieftin si eficient in Romania, nu cautati mai departe de noi. Contactati-ne astazi pentru a afla mai multe despre serviciile noastre curier rapid national si pentru a primi un deviz pentru urmatoarea dvs. livrare.
Despre serviciul nostru de livrare paleti national in Romania........ Suntem aici pentru a vă oferi o soluție completă și eficientă pentru expedierea paletilor în cadrul țării. Avantajele serviciului nostru de livrare paleti national în România: Acoperire extinsă: Asigurăm livrarea paletilor în toate regiunile din România, indiferent de localitatea de destinație. Beneficiați de o rețea extinsă de distribuție pentru a ajunge la orice colț al țării. Serviciu prompt: Suntem conștienți de importanța livrării la timp a paletilor dvs., motiv pentru care ne străduim să asigurăm promptitudinea expedierilor. Siguranță garantată: Echipa noastră de specialiști se asigură că paletii dvs. sunt manipulați cu grijă și protejați adecvat pe parcursul transportului, pentru o livrare sigură și fără incidente. Flexibilitate în gestionarea trimiterilor: Indiferent de dimensiunea și greutatea paletilor, vă oferim opțiuni de transport flexibile, adaptate nevoilor dvs. Tarife competitive: Serviciul nostru de livrare paleti national vine la un preț competitiv, oferindu-vă o soluție convenabilă și economică pentru transportul mărfurilor dvs. Monitorizare în timp real: Veți avea acces la urmărirea în timp real a stadiului expedierii paletilor, astfel încât să fiți mereu la curent cu traseul acestora. Suport tehnic: Echipa noastră de profesioniști vă stă la dispoziție pentru a vă oferi asistență și suport tehnic în orice etapă a procesului de livrare. Indiferent de natura activității dvs. sau de necesitățile logistice, serviciul nostru de livrare paleti national vă asigură că mărfurile dvs. vor ajunge la destinație în timp util și în cele mai bune condiții. Alegeți încrederea și eficiența pentru transportul paletilor în România.
Despre serviciul nostru de curierat ramburs national afaceri online........ Suntem dedicati sa oferim solutii accesibile si eficiente pentru livrarea plicurilor si coletelor dumneavoastra oriunde in tara prin curier rapid national. Cu o echipa de profesionisti experimentati si tehnologii moderne, ne asiguram ca fiecare livrare curier rapid national este tratata cu atentie si livrata la timp. Oferim o gama larga de optiuni de livrare curier rapid national pentru a se potrivi nevoilor dvs., indiferent daca doriti sa expediati un plic mic sau un colet voluminos. Colaboram cu cele mai de incredere companii de curierat rapid national si folosim tehnologii de urmarire avansate pentru a ne asigura ca livrarile dvs. sunt in siguranta si securizate in timpul transportului. Puteti sa va bazati pe noi pentru a va oferi actualizari in timp real, astfel incat sa stiti intotdeauna unde se afla livrarile dvs curier rapid national. Asadar, daca cautati un serviciu de curierat ieftin si eficient in Romania, nu cautati mai departe de noi. Contactati-ne astazi pentru a afla mai multe despre serviciile noastre curier rapid national si pentru a primi un deviz pentru urmatoarea dvs. livrare.
Despre serviciul nostru de curierat colete grele national in Romania........ Suntem specializați în asigurarea unei logistici eficiente și fiabile pentru expedierea coletelor grele în cadrul țării. Avantajele serviciului nostru de curierat colete grele național în România: Capacitatea de a transporta colete grele: Indiferent de greutatea sau dimensiunea coletelor dvs., suntem echipați și pregătiți să le livrăm la destinație. Rețea extinsă de distribuție: Asigurăm acoperire națională, astfel încât coletele grele să ajungă la orice locație din România, indiferent cât de izolată ar fi. Echipamente și soluții speciale: Dispunem de echipamente adecvate și soluții speciale pentru manipularea și livrarea în siguranță a coletelor grele. Personal specializat: Echipa noastră de curieri este instruită și experimentată în gestionarea coletelor grele, asigurându-vă că acestea sunt tratate cu grijă și atenție pe parcursul transportului. Transport rapid și prompt: Înțelegem importanța livrării la timp, astfel că ne asigurăm că coletele grele ajung la destinație în cel mai scurt timp posibil. Tarife competitive: Serviciul nostru de curierat colete grele național vine la un preț competitiv, oferindu-vă o soluție convenabilă pentru transportul mărfurilor dvs. Monitorizare și comunicare constantă: Vă ținem la curent cu stadiul expedierii coletelor grele prin monitorizare constantă și comunicare promptă. Suport tehnic: Echipa noastră vă stă la dispoziție pentru a vă oferi asistență și suport tehnic în orice etapă a procesului de livrare. Indiferent de natura și dimensiunea mărfurilor dvs., serviciul nostru de curierat colete grele național vă asigură că trimiterile dvs. vor ajunge la destinație în condiții optime. Alegeți încrederea și profesionalismul pentru transportul coletelor grele în România. Contactați-ne astăzi pentru a primi o ofertă personalizată și pentru a beneficia de serviciile noastre de curierat profesionale.
Despre serviciul nostru de curierat national online persoane fizice........ Avem soluția perfectă pentru trimiterea coletelor tale în România - TCE CURIER Colete Online ! Suntem una dintre cele mai fiabile și eficiente firme de curierat din țară, oferind servicii de curierat online convenabile și de încredere. Prin curierul online, poți trimite cu ușurință coletele tale către orice destinație din România. Indiferent dacă ai nevoie să trimiti un colet către un prieten, un client sau o companie, noi ne ocupăm de transportul rapid și sigur al coletului tău. Beneficiind de colaborări cu multiple firme de curierat, putem oferi opțiuni variate pentru a satisface nevoile tale. Indiferent de dimensiunea sau greutatea coletului, noi găsim soluția optimă pentru tine. Oferim servicii de curierat ieftin și competitiv, astfel încât să poți trimite coletele tale fără a cheltui sume exorbitante. Prin intermediul platformei noastre online, poți trimite colete în România cu doar câteva clicuri. Ai acces la o gamă largă de servicii de curierat oferite de diverse firme de curierat, iar tu poți alege varianta cea mai potrivită pentru tine. Asigurăm și urmărirea coletelor, astfel încât să poți monitoriza statusul livrării în timp real. Indiferent dacă ai nevoie de un curier rapid pentru livrarea urgentă a unui colet, suntem alegerea potrivită. Colaborăm cu curieri nationali si internaționali de încredere și firme de curierat internaționale pentru a facilita trimiterea coletelor în întreaga lume.
Despre automatizare curierat ieftin national in Romania........ Automatizarea curieratului ieftin național în România reprezintă o soluție modernă și eficientă pentru gestionarea și expedierea coletelor în cadrul țării. Serviciul nostru se concentrează pe implementarea tehnologiei avansate pentru a oferi o experiență de livrare rapidă și fiabilă, menținând costurile la un nivel accesibil pentru clienții noștri. Avantajele automatizării curieratului ieftin național în România: Eficiență sporită: Automatizarea proceselor de preluare, sortare și livrare a coletelor permite o gestionare mai eficientă a fluxului de lucru, ceea ce duce la timpi de livrare mai scurți. Reducerea erorilor umane: Tehnologia avansată minimizează erorile umane în procesul de livrare, asigurând o acuratețe mai mare în gestionarea coletelor. Urmărire în timp real: Sistemul nostru de automatizare permite clienților să urmărească în timp real stadiul expedierii coletelor, oferindu-le transparență și control asupra traseului acestora. Economisire de costuri: Automatizarea ne permite să eficientizăm operațiunile și să reducem cheltuielile, ceea ce se reflectă în tarife mai accesibile pentru clienții noștri. Flexibilitate în gestionarea comenzilor: Interfața noastră intuitivă facilitează plasarea și gestionarea comenzilor, oferind clienților posibilitatea de a alege opțiunile de livrare potrivite nevoilor lor. Suport tehnic avansat: Echipa noastră de experți este mereu la dispoziția clienților pentru a oferi asistență tehnică și răspunsuri la orice întrebări. Livrare rapidă și sigură: Datorită automatizării, putem oferi o livrare rapidă și sigură a coletelor, protejând mărfurile pe parcursul transportului. Alegând serviciul nostru de automatizare curierat ieftin național în România, veți beneficia de o soluție modernă și eficientă pentru expedierea coletelor, având încrederea că trimiterile dvs. vor ajunge la destinație în timp util și în cele mai bune condiții. Contactați-ne astăzi pentru a afla mai multe detalii despre serviciul nostru și pentru a beneficia de avantajele automatizării în curieratul național.
With TCE Courier, the process of sending national parcels becomes simpler and more accessible than ever! Whether you need to send an urgent envelope or a COD parcel, our online courier services in Romania are designed to offer you speed, safety and flexibility. Why choose TCE Courier for national courier? Simplicity and efficiency Each courier shipment in Romania is easy to manage through our online platform. Whether you are sending documents or parcels, the process is intuitive and fast. Fast and secure delivery We pride ourselves on an extensive national network, which allows us to offer fast and secure national parcel delivery services, regardless of the destination. Simplified cash on delivery With the cash on delivery option, each national parcel delivery is tailored to your needs. The parcel reaches the recipient, and your money is transferred to you quickly and securely. How does sending via TCE Courier work? Place your order online Access our platform and fill in the details about the shipment. Each national parcel delivery is simple and easy to configure. Calculate the rate Find out the exact cost for each national parcel delivery directly on our website. There are no hidden fees, and the rates are transparent. Schedule a parcel pickup A courier will pick up the package from you, whether you are at home or at the office. We efficiently manage any courier delivery in Romania. Monitor the shipment You can track the status of each parcel in real time, so that you have total control over the national parcel delivery process. Who is this service for? Individuals: Are you sending gifts or documents? Our online courier services in Romania are fast and easy to use. Small and medium-sized businesses: The cash on delivery option and fast deliveries are ideal for businesses that want to please their customers. Online stores: We efficiently manage any national parcel delivery, so that you can develop your business without hassle. TCE Courier Advantages Door-to-door deliveries Whether the recipient is in a big city or in a rural area, each national parcel delivery arrives directly at their door. Competitive rates Quickly and easily calculate the costs for sending national parcels. We offer the best prices, without compromising on quality. Safety and professionalism We treat each shipment with care, so you can trust our online courier services Romania. What can you send with TCE Courier? Documents: Whether it's official documents or personal letters, each courier shipment in Romania is processed with care. Small or large packages: From gifts to commercial goods, any national parcel shipment is managed efficiently. Products with cash on delivery: Perfect for online stores or entrepreneurs who want quick cash. How to save time and money? Pack correctly Use compact and safe packaging to reduce shipping costs. Schedule in advance Plan your deliveries to benefit from the best national parcel delivery rates. Use the online platform Managing your shipments directly on our website saves you time and energy. Conclusion With TCE Courier, every national parcel shipment is simplified, so you can enjoy fast, safe and affordable deliveries. Choose our online courier service Romania to send envelopes and parcels with cash on delivery anywhere in the country, without stress or hassle. Schedule a national parcel delivery now and discover why TCE Courier is the perfect choice for you! 🚚📦
Are you sending parcels to Europe and looking for a simple, fast and affordable solution? With TCE Courier, our online courier service makes sending envelopes, parcels and pallets abroad easier than ever. We handle each delivery with care, ensuring that your packages arrive safely and on time. International Parcel Shipping - Fast and Secure Whether you need an urgent international parcel shipment or plan recurring deliveries, TCE Courier offers you flexibility and efficiency. All you have to do is enter the parcel details on our platform, and we take care of the rest. We guarantee you a stress-free international parcel delivery, whether you are sending documents, products or large goods. International parcel shipping made simple We know that the shipping process can sometimes be complicated, but not with TCE Courier. Our online courier platform allows you to organize each delivery in minutes. Enter the details, calculate the rates with the online courier price option and select the type of service you want. You don't need experience or complicated procedures – we take care of all the logistical details. Cheap international parcels for businesses and individuals With TCE Courier, you benefit from affordable rates for any type of shipment. Whether you own an online business or are just sending a package to a friend abroad, our cheap international parcel service is the perfect choice. We deliver quickly and safely, without affecting your budget. How does our service work? Shipping starts online – You enter our online courier platform, fill in the information about the parcel and immediately receive the cost of the shipment. Choosing the right service – We offer you flexible options, from economical shipments to fast deliveries. You can easily calculate the online courier price and choose what suits you. Delivery monitoring – Each shipment is tracked, so you always know where your parcel is. International parcel delivery for online businesses If you own an online store and want to expand your business in Europe, our international parcel shipping service is the ideal solution. We offer fast, safe and affordable deliveries, so you can attract customers from all corners of Europe. In addition, with the option to send international parcels directly from the platform, the process becomes simpler than ever. TCE Courier Advantages Maximum flexibility – We handle all types of shipments: envelopes, parcels and pallets. Competitive prices – With the cheap international parcel option, you can save without sacrificing quality. Easy to use – Our online courier platform is intuitive and efficient. Fast and safe deliveries – We guarantee that each parcel reaches its destination in the best conditions. Online business support – We help you expand your business at a European level through top services.Conclusion TCE Courier is your ideal partner for shipping abroad. Whether you need a fast international parcel delivery or are looking for affordable international parcel delivery solutions, we are here to make it all possible. Choose TCE Courier and enjoy quality services, easy to manage and at friendly prices!
Are you sending envelopes or parcels to other corners of the world and looking for a reliable partner? With TCE Courier, you get a fast and simple online courier service, without any hassle. We ensure that every package arrives safely at its destination, free of customs duties, offering an efficient and affordable delivery experience. Simplified international parcel shipping Whether you are an entrepreneur or just want to send something to a loved one, our international parcel shipping service is easy to use and affordable. With just a few clicks, you can schedule an international parcel shipment anywhere in the world, and we take care of the rest. Our customs-free deliveries eliminate the stress of additional fees, so you can send packages without worries. Online courier for all your needs Using our online courier platform, you can manage deliveries simply and quickly. From sending important documents to sending bulky parcels, the process is intuitive and efficient. Enter the parcel details, calculate the online courier price and choose the best option for you. Everything is designed to make your life easier. Cheap and fast international parcels At TCE Courier, we pride ourselves on offering competitively priced deliveries without compromising on quality. Whether you need standard or express international parcel delivery, we guarantee affordable rates. With us, you send international parcels cheaply and safely, so you can save money without sacrificing service quality. How does our international courier service work? Step 1: Fill in the details – Access our online courier platform and enter the information about the parcel: dimensions, weight and destination. Step 2: Calculate the cost – The platform offers you a clear online courier price and no hidden surprises. Step 3: Stress-free delivery – You hand over the parcel, and we make sure it reaches its destination in a timely manner, without additional customs duties. International parcel delivery for businesses and individuals Whether you have an online store and send packages frequently or just want to surprise a friend far away, TCE Courier is the right choice. Our international parcel shipping service covers almost any destination in the world, offering safe and fast deliveries. Send international parcels without complications We know how important it is for you to have a simple and efficient process. With TCE Courier, you don't have to worry about hidden fees or complicated documents. Our customs-free deliveries are designed to remove any obstacles, so you can focus on the important things. Why choose TCE Courier? Affordable prices – With our cheap international parcel service, you save money on every shipment. Speed and safety – Our deliveries are fast and safe, ensuring that every parcel reaches its destination intact.No Customs Fees – We ship without any additional customs worries, making the process simple and transparent. Easy-to-use platform – With our online courier platform, you can manage all your shipments in one place. Conclusion TCE Courier is the perfect solution for stress-free international deliveries. From sending international parcels to managing large shipments, we offer flexible and affordable services. Choose our international parcel delivery service for a simple, fast and customs fee-free experience. With TCE Courier, your deliveries are in safe hands!